
  • QuickTest Pro: Working with the Windows Clipboard (Clear, Copy and Paste Text)

    Posted on July 10, 2012 by Admin

    QuickTest Pro can interface directly with the Windows OS clipboard during replay using the VBScript “Mercury.Clipboard” object built in to QTP. This object can be used to validate clipboard data if the AUT programmatically manipulates the clipboard (and your test case requires validation of this functionality).
    Some of the more common methods supported in the “Mercury.Clipboard” object include:

    Clear – clear the clipboard contents
    SetText – write text to the clipboard
    GetText – retrieve text from the Read Entire Entry

  • Vugen: Will This Code Remove Trailing Spaces?

    Posted on July 9, 2012 by Admin

    Let’s have a little fun today – and hopefully I can get some interaction from you C Guru’s out there. How about something cryptic in C? Let’s say I wanted to remove some trailing spaces with as few lines of C code as possible. Will the example below work?
    static char* rtrim( char* s)
    int i;
    if (s){i = strlen(s); while ((–i)>0 && isspace(s[i]) ) s[i]=0;}
    return s;
    Why or why not? Care to explain what this code is doing? Comments are open and welcome. Read Entire Entry

  • Our HP Discover Presentation Is Now Online!

    Posted on July 6, 2012 by Admin

    For those of you who missed our presentation at HP Discover, we were able to get a recording of it from the audience perspective. We now have it online for you to watch at your convenience.
    Here is Part One:

    HP Discover Presentation Part 1 from Scott Moore on Vimeo.

    And here is Part Two:

    HP Discover Presentation Part 2 from Scott Moore on Vimeo.


      Read Entire Entry

  • Open Multiple Windows System Files With One Click

    Posted on July 5, 2012 by Admin


    1. You are on a windows platform.
    2. You have Windows Scripting (WSH) enabled.
    3. You have no security issues running VBS scripts.

    The following code will pull up several system files in notepad all in one place. Save this code into a text file and then rename the extension to .vbs for it to become executable. Modify it to take out or add more by changing what is in the array. For example, taking out everything except the hosts file from the array will mean only the hosts file will be opened in notepad:
    Set Sh Read Entire Entry

  • Mobile Testing Challenges – Jailbreaking & Rooting

    Posted on July 3, 2012 by Admin

    On July 22, 2010 – The U.S. Copyright Office, a division of the Library of Congress, authorized several new exemptions to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), one of which allowed mobile phone users to “jailbreak” their devices to use apps not authorized by the phone’s manufacturer.

    While this move was heralded by niche application development shops and iPhone users, Apple was not so thrilled with what they perceived as giving carte blanche freedom to users to “hack” into their tightly controlled Apple devices and Read Entire Entry

  • HP LoadRunner 11.50 and HP Performance Center 11.50 Tutorials (Technical videos)

    Posted on July 3, 2012 by Admin

    From Silvia Siqueira –  Sr Product Marketing for HP LoadRunner

    After launching the new version of HP LoadRunner 11.5 and HP Performance Center 11.5, we are pleased to provide a list of great recorded tutorials that describe the new features and enhancements. See the list below for tutorial videos title and URLs:

    HP LoadRunner 11.50 – Tutorial: Web Async (HP Videos)
    HP LoadRunner 11.50 – Tutorial: GTW DFE (HP Videos)
    HP LoadRunner 11.50 – Tutorial: Flex protocol (HP Videos)
    HP LoadRunner 11.50 – Tutorial: Truclient Firef Read Entire Entry

  • Vugen: Gracefully Handle Various HTTP Return Codes

    Posted on July 2, 2012 by Admin

    There may be times where you want to build in logic for how your Vuser reacts to the various types of HTTP status return codes received throughout a script. For example, as web servers get overloaded, they may start sending 503 return codes. If you wanted to try and resubmit and finish out the transaction, this might be a more graceful way to handle the occasional 503 than just giving up and killing the iteration immediately. Of course, as the load continues to increase, the 503’s will become more frequent and eventually you will Read Entire Entry