
  • LoadRunner Utility Code: Lance’s Log

    Posted on October 8, 2012 by Admin

    Several years back, I found this posting and thought it was interesting. I am just now getting around to sharing it. Try this code if you want. I use this LoadRunner utility code to assist in analyzing test data, or to write desired dynamic data from scripts to .csv files outside of LoadRunner scenario results folders.

    This code requires some script parameters to be defined, and you have to pre-allocate your folder where you want to write your data. The code also checks to see if you are running from Vugen or the Controller. I Read Entire Entry

  • VuGen Error Checking and Detailed Logging

    Posted on October 3, 2012 by Admin

    This is a basic scripting technique for enhancing your VuGen scripts to add error checking and detailed logging (in this case a web HTTP status code that is in the 4XX – 5XX range) for specific steps.

    First, set up a parameter called {pIteration} that uses the Iteration Number type to automatically keep track of the iteration. At the beginning of my action.c I might start with something like this:
    // Declare Variables
    int rc = 0, iHttp;
    lr_vuser_status_message(“Starting iteration Number: %s”,
    lr_eval_string({pIterati Read Entire Entry

  • LoadRunner Parameter and Correlation Naming Conventions

    Posted on October 1, 2012 by Admin

    Bill Selph recommends the following LoadRunner parameter and correlation label naming conventions for use in scripts:

    All correlated values begin with “LRC_”
    All parameters begins with “LRP_”

    Bill finds this an easier way to edit and debug of complex scripts.

    Do you have similar naming conventions that you use when coding Vugen script? How about giving out some recommendations to the community by commenting in the section below. Read Entire Entry